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How To Rekey Kwikset Smart Key Lock

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Tools and Materials Needed to Rekey a Kwikset SmartKey Lock

When it comes to rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock, having the right tools and materials is essential. With the following items at hand, you’ll be equipped to successfully rekey your lock:

  1. SmartKey Rekeying Kit: This kit contains everything you need for the rekeying process, including a SmartKey tool, new keys, and special pins.
  2. Kwikset SmartKey Lock: Of course, you’ll need the lock itself. Make sure you have the right model and size for your door.
  3. Screwdriver: A standard screwdriver will be necessary for removing the lock from the door.
  4. Tweezers: You’ll need tweezers to help with the precise handling of pins and springs during the rekeying process.
  5. Needle-nose Pliers: These pliers will come in handy for removing and replacing pins inside the lock.
  6. New Keys: If you’re rekeying the lock to match a new set of keys, make sure you have the new keys on hand.

Now that you have all the necessary tools and materials, let’s proceed to the step-by-step guide for disassembling the Kwikset SmartKey lock.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else.

Step-by-Step Guide on Disassembling a Kwikset SmartKey Lock for Rekeying

Step-by-Step Guide on Disassembling a Kwikset SmartKey Lock for Rekeying

If you’re looking to rekey your Kwikset SmartKey lock, it’s important to first understand the process of disassembling the lock. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the necessary steps to successfully disassemble your Kwikset SmartKey lock for rekeying.

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need a pinning tray, a key decoder, a plug follower, a shim, a plug remover tool, a set of new pins, and a new key that you want to program for the lock.

Step 1: Remove the lock from the door

Start by removing the lock from the door. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the interior side of the door, allowing you to detach the lock from the door. Place the lock on a stable surface where you can easily work on it.

Step 2: Remove the cylinder from the lock

Locate the small pinhole on the side of the lock cylinder. Insert the plug follower into the pinhole and push it in gently. This will allow you to remove the cylinder from the lock body. Take extra care not to damage the delicate components inside.

Step 3: Take out the plug and pins

With the help of the plug follower, push the plug out of the cylinder. Once the plug is out, carefully remove the top and bottom pins using a pinning tray. Set aside the old pins as you will be replacing them with new ones.

Step 4: Prepare the new pins

If you are using a key decoder, insert your new key into the decoder. This will help determine the correct length for each pin. Take note of the pin lengths and transfer them to the new pins.

Step 5: Insert the new pins

Using the pinning tray, insert the new pins into the plug one by one, ensuring they match the pin lengths obtained from the decoder. Be careful not to mix up the pins or insert them in the wrong order.

Step 6: Reassemble the lock

Once all the pins are in place, carefully reinsert the plug into the cylinder. Make sure it sits flush and turns smoothly. Test the lock with your new key to ensure it operates correctly.

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Step 7: Reinstall the lock

With the lock reassembled, it’s time to reinstall it on the door. Place the lock back into the door and secure it in place with the screws you previously removed. Tighten the screws firmly to ensure the lock is secure.

Congratulations! You have successfully disassembled and rekeyed your Kwikset SmartKey lock. Remember to keep your new key safe and test the lock to ensure proper functionality. By following these steps, you can easily rekey your Kwikset SmartKey lock and enhance the security of your home or office.

Understanding the Rekeying Process for Kwikset SmartKey Locks

Understanding the Rekeying Process for Kwikset SmartKey Locks

Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock is a straightforward process that allows you to change the existing key’s combination without replacing the entire lock. This can be particularly useful if you want to enhance security or if you’ve misplaced a key and want to prevent unauthorized access. By understanding the rekeying process, you can easily and effectively maintain control over your premises. Below, we will discuss the step-by-step guide to rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock.

Firstly, before starting the rekeying process, it’s essential to gather the necessary tools and materials. You will require a functioning key, a SmartKey tool, a new key, and a pin and tumbler kit. These items come included with your Kwikset SmartKey lockset or can be purchased separately.

Once you have these tools ready, follow these steps to rekey your Kwikset SmartKey lock:

  1. Insert the functioning key into the lock and rotate it clockwise by 90 degrees. This step aligns the key pins inside the cylinder with the corresponding chamber pins within the keyway.
  2. Locate the tiny hole next to the keyway and insert the SmartKey tool until it locks into place. Ensure that the tool is fully inserted to prevent any potential complications during the rekeying process.
  3. With the SmartKey tool securely in place, remove the functioning key by pulling it backward. This action will expose the keyway, indicating that you are ready to rekey the lock.
  4. Take the new key and insert it into the keyway until it stops. At this point, the key and SmartKey tool should be aligned correctly within the lock cylinder.
  5. Rotate the key back to its original position, counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. This rotation triggers the pins to reset and align themselves with the new combination provided by the inserted key.
  6. Remove the new key from the lock, and the rekeying process is complete. The lock is now set to operate using the new key exclusively.

While rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock is generally a simple process, it’s important to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. If you encounter difficulties inserting or removing the SmartKey tool, it’s critical to check the alignment and ensure that the tool is correctly inserted.

Understanding the rekeying process for Kwikset SmartKey locks empowers you to maintain control over your premises’ security. By following the step-by-step guide and troubleshooting any potential issues, you can successfully rekey your lock and safeguard your property. Remember to gather the necessary tools, align the key and SmartKey tool correctly, and follow the outlined steps to achieve a seamless rekeying process.

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey Lock

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey Lock

Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock can be a simple and convenient way to ensure the security of your home or office. However, like any DIY project, it’s not uncommon to encounter some challenges along the way. Here are some common issues that you may come across during the rekeying process, along with troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them.

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1. Key Doesn’t Turn: If you are unable to turn the key after rekeying, it could be due to several reasons. The most common cause is the misalignment of the cylinder plug with the key pins. To fix this, remove the key and reinsert it, ensuring the pins and the key slots are properly aligned. You may also need to lubricate the lock with graphite or silicone spray.

2. Key Turns but Doesn’t Unlock: If the key turns but the lock doesn’t unlock, it may be because the key pins are not set at the correct height. Use a pinning tray or a similar tool to align the pins with the key cuts. Make sure each pin is set at the correct height and test the lock again. If the issue persists, you may need to disassemble the lock and recheck the pins.

3. Key Is Stuck: If the key is stuck in the lock after rekeying, it could be due to excessive friction or debris inside the lock cylinder. Try spraying a small amount of WD-40 or similar lubricant into the keyway and jiggle the key gently to remove any obstructions. If the key still doesn’t come out, you may need to disassemble the lock and clean the internal components.

4. Lock Cylinder Is Loose: If the lock cylinder feels loose after rekeying, it may not have been properly secured during the reassembly process. Disassemble the lock and check if all the components, including the tailpiece and the retaining screw, are tightened securely. Reassemble the lock carefully, ensuring that each part is properly aligned and tightened.

5. Key Doesn’t Work in the New Lock: If the key doesn’t work in the newly rekeyed lock, double-check that you have followed the rekeying process correctly. Ensure that the key pins and the springs are properly installed and functioning. If the key still doesn’t work, it is possible that the lock may have other internal issues that require professional assistance.

Remember, rekeying a lock requires patience and attention to detail. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, it’s always a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek the help of a professional locksmith. By troubleshooting common issues and taking the necessary steps to resolve them, you can successfully rekey your Kwikset SmartKey lock and enhance the security of your property.

Tips and Tricks for Successfully Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey Lock

Tips and Tricks for Successfully Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey Lock

When it comes to rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock, there are a few tips and tricks that can help ensure a successful outcome. Rekeying a lock allows you to change the key without replacing the entire lock, making it a cost-effective option for enhancing security or when you need to grant access to multiple people.

Here are some valuable tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  1. Gather the right tools and materials: Before you begin the rekeying process, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. These typically include a Kwikset SmartKey Rekeying Kit, a working key for the lock, a new key that you want to use, and a pair of pliers.
  2. Read the instructions: Each Kwikset SmartKey Rekeying Kit comes with its own set of instructions. It is crucial to read and understand these instructions before you start the rekeying process. This will help you avoid any mistakes and ensure a smooth procedure.
  3. Choose a quiet and well-lit area: Rekeying a lock requires concentration and attention to detail. Find a quiet and well-lit area to work in, ensuring that you have enough space to lay out the tools and materials without any distractions.
  4. Follow the step-by-step guide: The process of rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock follows a specific series of steps. It is essential to follow these steps carefully and in the correct order. Skipping or rearranging steps can result in an unsuccessful rekeying attempt.
  5. Take your time: Rekeying a lock is not a task to rush through. It requires patience and precision. Take your time to ensure that each pin and component is accurately aligned and inserted. Rushing the process can lead to mistakes and an ineffective rekeying.
  6. Test the new key: After completing the rekeying process, it is important to test the new key before reassembling the lock. Insert the new key and turn it to ensure it operates smoothly and unlocks the lock without any issues.
  7. Practice: Rekeying a lock can be a skill that improves with practice. If you are a beginner, consider practicing on an old or spare lock before attempting to rekey an important lock. Practice will help you become more familiar with the process and increase your proficiency.
  8. Seek professional help if needed: If you find the rekeying process too challenging or encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance. Locksmiths have the expertise and experience to rekey locks quickly and accurately.
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By incorporating these tips and tricks, you can successfully rekey a Kwikset SmartKey lock with confidence. Remember to always exercise caution and precision throughout the process, ensuring the security of your property and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.


Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock may seem like a daunting task, but armed with the right tools and knowledge, it is a straightforward process that can be completed by any homeowner. Throughout this article, we have discussed the essential tools and materials needed for rekeying, along with a step-by-step guide on how to disassemble a Kwikset SmartKey lock. We have also explored the rekeying process itself, providing a clear understanding of how to reset the lock to accept a new key.

In addition, we have addressed common issues that may arise during the rekeying process and provided troubleshooting tips to overcome them. It is important to remember that patience and attention to detail are key when rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock, as small mistakes can cause the lock to malfunction. By following the troubleshooting tips provided, such as ensuring all pins are aligned correctly and double-checking the key for any deformities, you can overcome potential challenges and successfully rekey your lock.

To further assist you in your rekeying endeavors, we have shared some valuable tips and tricks gathered from our extensive experience. These include using a plug-follower while disassembling the lock, practicing the rekeying process on a spare lock before attempting it on your primary lock, and lubricating the lock components regularly to ensure smooth operation.

By investing the time and effort to learn how to rekey your Kwikset SmartKey lock, you gain the ability to customize your security and enhance the convenience of your home. Not only can you rekey your lock to match a new set of keys, but you can also change the key combination whenever necessary, providing an added layer of security.

Rekeying a Kwikset SmartKey lock is a valuable skill that every homeowner should possess. With the proper tools, knowledge of the disassembly process, and understanding of the rekeying procedure, you can confidently rekey your lock and enjoy the benefits of enhanced security and convenience. Remember to follow the step-by-step guide, troubleshoot any potential issues, and utilize the tips and tricks provided to ensure a successful rekeying experience. Empower yourself with the ability to control your home’s security by mastering the art of rekeying Kwikset SmartKey locks.

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